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    C, C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, RISC-V, x86

    Apache Kafka, AWS CloudFormation, Docker, GitHub Actions, GNU Debugger, JUnit, React.js, Selenium, Terraform, Vagrant

    Cloud Services:
    AWS CloudFront, AWS Lambda, AWS S3, Azure AI Vision, Azure Event Grid, Azure Functions, Azure KeyVault

    AWS DynamoDB, Azure CosmosDB, MongoDB

   Work experience

    Software Engineer (Volunteer)
    SuperTech FT | Dec 2023-now

    • Play a key role in designing and enhancing the user experience of the organization's primary website,
    • Implement AI-driven interactive softwares to create engaging and effective learning tools.

    General Sale Associate
    Bear Basics | 2023-now

    • Act as security, cashier, and sale person on demand.
    • Yep, this is how I start out of college, and 2023 was a tough year to land an SWE job.

    Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Tutor | 2019-now

    • I tutored students from different universities and colleges including San Jose State University, College of San Mateo, and Berkeley City College. These students are still my close friends.
    • Out of these execption students, I helped 2 students transfering from College of San Mateo to UC Berkely and 1 student from College of San Mateo to San Jose State University.
    • Topics include basics of various programming languages (C++, Java, Python), objected oriented programming, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data structures, algorithms, and mathematics.

    Mathematics Instructor | 2018-2018

    • I was approached by the Founder of ConceptX due to exceptional Mathematics skills.
    • The discussion later turned into a full-time contract position where I worked closely with the founder and the production team to record high-quality lecture videos.


  1. This Website - Designed a personal portfolio website as a serverless web application and deployed it using AWS services.

    • Hosted and distributed the website with AWS S3, AWS CloudFront, and AWS Route53.
    • Display the real-time update of the total number of visitors using AWS DynamoDB Streams, AWS Serverless Lambda, and AWS Websocket API.
    • Launched GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipeline, and AWS CloudFormation to deploy the AWS infrastructure.

  2. Event-Driven Serverless Tollbooth - Developed the Terraform-provisioned Azure infrastructure that scans vehicle plate images and reports data analysis.

    • Designed the event-driven architecture using Azure Functions and Azure Event Grid to scan vehicle plate images using Azure AI Vision, send scanned or unscannable data separately to Azure CosmosDB, and provide metrics using Azure Application Insights.

  3. Relational Database Engine - Upgraded the internals of a relational database management system with SQL support.

    • Achieved higher throughput with two-phase locking, and lower disk read/write with a query optimizer that utilizes indexing and efficient join algorithms.
    • Incorporated the write-ahead log system to recover from catastrophic disk failures.

  4. Pacman AI Agent - Trained the Pacman Agent using reinforcement learning in the classic maze-action game.

    • Achieved a Pacman Agent of 92% win rate on 500 test games after training with Approximate Q-learning on a classic medium layout against two Ghost Agents.
    • Improved the game scores by constructing the feature extraction to encourage the Pacman to attack the Ghosts in their frightened states, increasing the average score by 74.8% (from 1090.4 to 1906.1).

  5. Operating System Kernel - Built an x86-compatible kernel.

    • Developed with a team of four students by setting up a pair programming environment within Visual Studio and a remote debugging environment that utilizes GNU Debugger.

  6. Real-Time Chat Application - Implemented a real-time web-based chat application that supports one-to-one chat rooms and group chat rooms.

    • Created a responsive user interface along with features including typing notifications and unread message indicators.
    • The backend handles the real-time delivery of chat messages and notifications using the bidirectional, low-latency platform.

  7. Version Control System - Designed and implemented a version control system whose design is inspired by Git.

    • Implemented basic snapshotting capabilities that include committing changes, reverting changes, and merging branches.
    • Developed remote project collaboration features, similar to git pull and git push.